Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Reaction to FA27 prof Bonanni lecture

I found professor Bonanni’s lecture on smart objects and smart space to be rather informative and interesting. Examining many of the aspects he presented on ubiquitous computing, I have formulated several reactions.

The category of Tangible Interfaces presented by Professor Bonanni seemed to me as the most accessible form of ubiquitous computing for the general public, as well as a potential rich environment for future business ventures. Tangible interfaces, such as popular products like the iphone, have already been integrated to mainstream consumers, and has met with a large amount of success. The applications for devices such as the I/O brush, G-Speak, and tangible interfaces on, walls, desks, etc would allow a greater degree of flexibility and versatility among the computing uses. A general rule of all software programming is that the more versatile or flexible a program is raises the degree of speed and efficiency at which a user can operate it. Especially in terms of workspaces, for designers, programmers, and artitis could really benefit from tangible interfaces.

I found the ambient display aspect in some respects to be rather childish in its design. The obvious answer is that ambient displays presents a excellent means to alerting and updating information. One could argue that when an Alarm clock goes off, it ambiently displays the time for you to wake up with a beeping noise. The question is it that at what point do you need information displayed to you, how, and through what device. I find that communicating through a plastic rabbit ear design to send messages by pressing certain ears down to be not only primitive in design, but rather frustrating. Especially when it so easy to simply pick up a phone an call. In my opinion the ultimate ambient display would be a wearable type watch, that updates to the internet through WiFi, The user could select a host of information to be displayed on the watch. The alerts could be through either flashing lights or vibration.

My next reaction to the presented material, is at what point does accessible become excessive. It seems to me that devices such as the one pictured in the futuristic kitchen, a device that measure the temperature of the food item you’re cooking as well as relaying other information, is highly useful. However I found some of the item presented to ridiculous. The ideas of augmented reality seems to be too much. I don’t think that is necessary to pretend to play PacMan in the real world, by wearing a gigantic computer on your head. As well as the application of placing message in tiny stickers seems to me a rather waste of time and money, when similar messages can be relayed using more direct methods of communication. Eventually the question must be asked, at what point does carrying some type of device become cumbersome. The fact of the matter is the average person might not want to wear sunglasses, that display special messages, or for that matter shell out the funds to cover the cost of such an item.

The other issue of this matter is security. These smart objects are all essentially the same thing, tiny computers, that share the same weakness as regular computers. Which means these devices are prone to malfunction, require updates, will depreciate in their capabilities as well as monetary value as the years pass, and are succesepatble to computer virus. With the wealth of personal information that will pass between such smart objects the security risks are phenomenal.

One thing that is clear to me after the presentation is that the potential for design aspects of these smart objects is enormous. The public will want sleek stylish devices that fit and meet their needs. Designers will not only be needed for outward appearances but internal architecture and choices about functionality of these smart objects.

All and all I found Professor Bonanni lecture to informative and enjoyable and look forward to possibly hearing another lecture from him in time to come.

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